Venta obra en línea Juan José Rodriguez De Guzmán Barba

Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba

Contemporary artist

Guzman’s art transform pain and intense emotions into moving visual experiences, using hearts, shapes, and various materials with pure inventiveness.

See the artworksMeet Juan José

Juan de Guzmán

Retired at 67 years old, born on 24/11/1956 in Malagón, Ciudad Real, Spain.

I started painting my first pictures in 2007, copying paintings by the Valencian painter Gandía Peris Carbonell.

After several paintings and tests, I discovered the possibility of creating relief using recycled paper material. […]

Artista contemporáneo Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba

Online art gallery of author's paintings

Enrich your collection with original and authentic works.

Acrylic on canvas and wood

Online art gallery

Let yourself be enchanted by the explosion of colors in the works of Juan de Guzmán Barba

You can own a work by the contemporary artist, whatever your budget.

Interview with
Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba

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He is a FAUVE painter and his NATURALISTIC ABSTRACT MATERIAL FAUVISM explains his world with his particular way of understanding life through emotions.

Mara Estellés Contreras

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