Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba
Contemporary artistGuzman’s art transform pain and intense emotions into moving visual experiences, using hearts, shapes, and various materials with pure inventiveness.
Juan de Guzmán
Retired at 67 years old, born on 24/11/1956 in Malagón, Ciudad Real, Spain.
I started painting my first pictures in 2007, copying paintings by the Valencian painter Gandía Peris Carbonell.
After several paintings and tests, I discovered the possibility of creating relief using recycled paper material. […]
Acrylic on canvas and wood
Let yourself be enchanted by the explosion of colors in the works of Juan de Guzmán Barba
You can own a work by the contemporary artist, whatever your budget.
Interview with
Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba
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International Artist of Europe Award
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From 17 January to 27 January 2024
Exhibition at L’Alfas de Alicante's Cultural Hall
16th December 2023
XIII Meeting of Painters REALIZARTE
From Saturday 21 to October 23
At Albir Beach, Alicante
International Prize for Contemporary Art – Madrid
Exhibition at CAPTALOONA ART Gallery in Madrid.
Del 18 de septiembre hasta el 17 de octubre 2023
Cosmogony of Matter and Emotions
Painting exhibition. From June 23 to July 31 2023.
At the University of La Marina in Benissa
En la Sede Universitaria de la Marina en Benissa