Venta obra en línea Juan José Rodriguez De Guzmán Barba

Juan De Guzmán

Contemporary artist

Home / Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba - Contemporary artist

Juan De Guzmán's BIOGRAPHY

Retired at 67 years old, born on 24/11/1956 in Malagón, Ciudad Real, Spain.

I started painting my first pictures in 2007, copying paintings by the Valencian painter Gandía Peris Carbonell.

After several paintings and tests, I discovered the possibility of creating relief using recycled paper material.

Completed works

The painting, at once delicate and powerful, accompanied by a matter bent and forced to be something else, in the service of pure expression, shows us the cosmos of emotions. It is an intimate and vast universe that astonishes us with its power to move.

“Corazones Desgarrados” (Heartbreaks) overwhelms, where colour explains and makes us feel the reason for the pain.

He is a FAUVE painter (FIERA) and his NATURALISTIC ABSTRACT MATERIAL FAUVISM explains his world with his particular way of understanding life through emotions.

Joy of life is the chromatic note that impregnates everything with bright, clean, vibrant colours.

If paintings could speak, they would do it with the velvet voice of this painter and his vital impetus..

«I want to be an artist»
Article published in the newspaper CANFALI Marina Alta, by DÍDAC VENGUT
