Information concerning the processing of personal data
In this privacy notice we are going to provide all the information concerning the way in which we acquire and process your personal data when you browse or use the services of our site.
The supplied data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the current privacy legislation which is based on the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation) and in the code concerning the protection of personal data of the Legislative Decree 196/03, amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018.
This information is intended to inform the user about the methods of processing his personal data in the simplest and most detailed way possible. This privacy policy is provided only for the artist Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba and not for third-party websites that may be consulted by the user via links.
Data subjected to processing
We explain what data can be processed by browsing the pages of this website.
Navigation data
Nuestros sistemas y/o los de terceras empresas, con las que tenemos acuerdos de colaboración directa o indirecta, pueden registrar diversos datos de conexión relativos a su sesión de navegación: dirección IP, fecha y hora de acceso, dirección del recurso mostrado ( URL), cualquier página web de origen (referente), navegador y sistema operativo utilizado. Estos datos sólo podrán permitir, tras las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por las autoridades judiciales, localizar la identidad del propietario de la conexión a Internet. En ningún caso nuestro personal podrá rastrear de forma independiente la identidad de los visitantes a través de dichos datos de navegación y en ningún caso se reunirá con otros datos en nuestro poder o en poder de terceros.
Our systems and / or those of third-party companies, with which we have direct or indirect collaboration agreements, could transmit cookies of various types and with different purposes to the user’s device. For more information about cookies and their use by the artist Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba and third-party companies, please consult the detailed notice.
Data provided voluntarily
In order to access certain services or performances, it may be required to the users to fill in forms (such as, for example, contact forms or registration forms) that provide the communication of personal data (for example the email address). This supply of data, sometimes, can be performed by the user in a simplified way through “connection” procedures with external services (such as Facebook Connect) which – after the explicit consent of the interested party – will automatically and electronically transmit only and exclusively the data requested for the purpose of registering for the requested service. The acquisition of data, where required, is the prerequisite for accessing the services offered by our site. Moreover, those that are sent via electronic mail (e-mail) to contact any employee of our structure are considered as “data provided voluntarily”.
Finalidad del tratamiento
We explain to you why we acquire and process your data in relation to specific purposes.
We use navigation data, cookies and personal data that are voluntarily given to us by users only for the purposes for which they were collected.
Log files and similar
For security reasons, and in order to fulfill specific legal obligations, the technical connection data of users are recorded in text files that are stored on our server in order to monitor the correct functioning of the site and to protect our systems from any cyber-attacks. Other software on our systems could perform similar operations for purposes related to IT security.
Third party widgets
On some pages of the website, there may be tools provided by third parties such as videos, elements taken from social networks and other remote functions. These tools can interact with the user’s system by sending cookies.
Contact / Registration Forms
Personal data provided voluntarily by filling the appropriate forms are processed:
- to be able to provide the requested services (such as, for example, membership in the Forum or other network services);
- to be able to provide the newsletter service or send information and / or advertising communications;
- to be able to process specific user requests automatically and / or manually (for example, to respond to contact requests sent through the appropriate forms);
- to carry out billing operations (in the case of paid services) and / or to fulfill specific legal obligations.
Newsletter / DEM
By registering through the appropriate forms available on various pages of the website, the user’s email address is acquired and inserted in a list of contacts to which e-mail messages can be sent, with or without periodic frequency. The e-mail messages may contain information, including commercial and promotional information. The contents of the communication may also include advertisements from third-party companies (DEM). The User’s email address could also be added to this list as a result of registering for certain services (such as the Forum).
Legal basis of the processing
We explain the legal basis of the various data treatments carried out by the website the validity requirements of your possible consent to the processing of your personal data.
For some treatments, the consent of the interested party is not required. In particular, it is not possible to give or deny consent regarding the registration of log files, the measurement of website traffic and the sending of cookies strictly necessary for the technical and / or commercial operation of the website. In all these cases, in fact, there is a legitimate interest of the artist Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba for the proper functioning of his online business.
In all the other circumstances, the processing is based on the consent of the interested party who is free to give it or not. The consent of the interested party is essential for marketing purposes such as, for example, the sending of commercial information by e-mail or the acceptance of profiling cookies to show personalized advertising messages.
Consent of the interested party
In all the cases in which the user’s consent is required for the processing, the consent must be informed, free and unconditional. However, failure to provide the data makes impossible to obtain certain services or performances (for example, you cannot subscribe to the newsletter service if you do not give your consent).
For the validity of the consent, it is required that the interested party is at least 14 years. Therefore, the use of all our services that involve the processing of data on a voluntary basis is not intended for anyone who has not reached this age limit..
Processing methods
We explain how your data is handled.
The data collected are processed with IT tools in a mainly automated manner with techniques and precautions that reduce human intervention as much as possible. Manual access by authorized operators is provided only in special and limited cases.
Entities authorized to access the data
We tell you who can access the data that we manage personally.
The access to our systems is allowed, in addition to our employees, to those who are responsible of the updating and of the maintenance of the computer systems.
Security measures
We tell you how we protect your data.
Suitable security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, their tampering, illicit use and unauthorized access.
Duration of treatment
We explain how long your data will be processed within our systems.
The data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the user, or required by the purposes described in this document. The user can always demand the interruption of specific treatments (for example the cancellation from the newsletter service) or the complete cancellation of his data.
Some data may be kept even after cancellation for the period provided for the fulfillment of legal obligations, as long as it is not necessary to keep them further in order to defend or assert a right or to fulfill any additional legal obligations or orders from the authorities.
Data Controller
We indicate who the data controller is and how you can contact him to ask your questions or exercise your rights.
Data controller of personal data Juan José Rodriguez de Guzmán Barba – Avinguda de la Marina 318, Benisa 03720 (Alicante – Spain) – mail: – Tel. +34 629 55 83 82
Rights of the interested party
We explain what your rights are and how you can exercise them.
The subjects to whom the aforementioned personal data refer (so-called “interested parties”), have the right to exercise their rights in the manner and within the limits established by the current privacy legislation. In particular, the following rights are recognized to the interested party:
- access: the interested party has the right to ask whether or not his data have been processed and, if so, he has the right to know such data.
- rectification: the interested party may demand to rectify or supplement the data he has provided or in our possession, if inaccurate.
- cancellation: the interested party can demand the cancellation of his data, if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or in case of withdrawal of consent, of opposition to processing, in the event of unlawful processing, or if there is a legal obligation to cancel;
- limitationthe interested party may demand the limitation of the processing of his personal data, if it occurs one of the conditions referred to in art. 18 of the GDPR; in this case, your data will not be processed, except for storage, without your consent, with the exception of the cases specified in the second paragraph of the same article.
- opposition: at any time, the interested party may oppose to the processing of his data carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, unless our legitimate reasons for proceeding with the treatment prevail over his reasons, for example to use them or to defend ourself in court.
- portability: the interested party may demand to receive his data, or to transmit them to another person indicated by him, in a structured format, commonly used and readable through an automatic device.
Furthermore, according to the art. 7, par. 3, GDPR, we inform you that you can exercise your right to revoke your consent at any time, without compromise the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent previously given.